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Nashville TN

Cummins Falls Cummins Falls Amy & Me Amy & Me Opry Tickets CarntonCemetary Yummy Lunch Yummy Lunch YES!!

May 8-22

We Got A Truck

Chevy Silverado 1500 truck just wasn’t getting it as far as towing was concerned.  We are maxed out on the weight and in trying to cut down was forced to give up some of my comforts, like my lounge chair, some weights that I have been using and a very heavy safe.  And while we were just under the weight allowed, felt the truck struggle.  Once we got to Nashville we decided to upgrade the truck to a 2500.

Now for the problems:

There is the 5th wheel hitch which needs to be taken out of the old truck and put into the new.  Easy right?  Same basic model of truck, but nooo Lazy Days will not install “used” hitches even tho we purchased this through them.  So now we have to find some kind of shop to do this.  Found! But they can’t do it for 2 weeks.  No problem, but could they just take out the old hitch so we can turn in the truck?  Sure – in 2 weeks!  Back to dealer, can we hold off buying truck for 2 weeks?  Sure, but we already put the paperwork in so how about just consider the old truck a loaner?  Great, and can you switch the back-bed cover over to new truck?  Sure – in 2 weeks.  What’s with the 2 weeks? Oh and one more thing – we need to order new rails for the hitch and guess how long?  Nope – 2 days!!  Basically, that’s is why we have been in Nashville for so long – however, it all turns out for the good.

Hidey Hole

This will be quick – Ty has a million (no exaggeration!) hidey holes in Wanda and I just gave up trying to figure out the rhythm or reason for what he puts where.  We have a portable generator in the bed of truck that has to transfer to new truck.  Problem is, Ty has put a lock on it (did this when we left CO) and put the key in the hidey hole.  During this 2-week business he has been searching for the key.  Now his solution is to just cut it off and buy a new one, me be the logical thinker of the two say: “Look, you had to have the key when we left CO – it has to be in one of your hidey holes.  Just think back and you probably remember that you put it for safekeeping and this is a logical place for it”.  Well that thinking worked and keys were found in his BIKE PACK.  Now I ask you: WHAT KIND OF INSANE LOGIC IS THAT?  WHY IN THE BIKE PACK AND NOT ON THE KEY RING WITH ALL THE OTHER KEYS???  Ty Ty Ty

Ty Brothers Weekend and Amy In – Yahoo

Ty went to Chicago for his annual Brothers Weekend.  What a wonderful tradition that has been going on for as long as I can remember, brothers who actually really like each other and get along and have fun doing whatever they do.

Amy fills the void here in Nashville and comes in while Ty is gone.  I love our mother-daughter relationship which has gotten so much stronger and I think this may be the first time it has just been the two of us – why did we ever wait so long?  While we text every day, it is just not the same as having her with me.  Of course, while here she took over driving (I am going to lose my driving skills soon) while we went everywhere in Nashville.  Went to Broadway Street, walked the alleys at night (yes there are rats in this town!), took a terrific hike (again it is straight up for a mile) at Radnor Lake, visited the Carnton Plantation House, civil war home taken over for a medical hospital during Battle of Franklin and site of over 1200 Confederate soldiers buried), Battle at Nashville monument, lunch in Franklin at a Chinese place that served the most outstanding crab-lobster noodle something, went to the Grand Ole Opry, toured some antique shops in Goodlettsville, had dinner at the Cock in the Walk (what a name! but served the best steaks) and listened to some good ole boy music at the campsite lodge.  The visit was too short, too much bourbon consumed but I wouldn’t trade it for anything!  Love you Amy

While in Nashville

While much of our time has been spent dealing with the truck and hitch situation, we have managed to visit a few sites in town.

  • Tennessee State Capital – beautiful building with most of its tour history about the occupation of the North during Civil War. Fact: TN was the last state to succeed and the first to fall to the North.
  • Downtown: we did walk around and visit the hot spots
    • Printers Alley
    • Skulls
    • Broadstreet
  • Grand Ole Opry (I went with Amy and Ty)
    • First one was the typical Saturday Night Broadcast – lots of gray hairs performing
    • Then with Ty on a Tuesday which was dedicated to the service men and women with 8 acts that were great. Did you know the song “Proud To Be An American” was written and 1st performed 35 years ago!
  • Cummins Falls: this hike is reminiscent of the Narrows in Zion. Easy water hike with a spectacular ending of the falls.
  • Wildlife: not too much – rat in downtown Nashville, small water snake and lots of little barky dogs in the RV Park.
  • Topography: TN is beautiful rolling hills and limestone cliffs and straight up hikes.
  • Grand Ole RV Park: love this RV spot.  Located 20 miles north of Nashville in Goodlettsville a mom and pop now the kids have taken over operation.  Best part?  Every night they have some artist/group come and play music for 2-1/2 hours.  I swear it is better than the Grand Ole Opry on a Saturday night.  And they have breakfast and dinner.  Can’t beat it for the price.

Cell Phone Waiting Lot at Nashville Airport

Since I am now a master at waiting at this airport, I want to know who is the mastermind behind this insane design of a lot.  Now picture this, it has room for only 25 cars, there is only one way in and the same way out.  IF the lot is full and you pull into the area because you have no way of knowing the lot is full, you are stuck until someone pulls out of a parking space because there is NO PLACE to turnaround to exit because remember it is the same %$#^% way you came in!  And of course, there is always the yahoo who starts the honking like you have somewhere to go.  I tell you where I am going, right up the front of your car with this big ass truck if you don’t stop being such an idiot!!  I finally get into a spot (oh and if a person that you are blocking wants to get out, you can’t move because there are cars in front and back of you now everyone is stuck), then I get the call to pick up and I have to back out, oh man.  Thank goodness for these 2 good ole’ boys who helped me maneuver without hitting anything.

Next Stops

We leave here on Thursday morning headed for Natchez Trace for a week.