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Winter in Florida

2024 Great Adventure started with us wintering at Blueway RV Resort in Ft. Myers Fl from November to April 4 and it was a blast!


Where else can you see a Moonset and Sunset all on the same day! Here is proof!


Now just how did we spend our days? Well, let me just say there was nothing serious about any day – just a lot of good days mixed in with the rainy cold start of the season that turned blooming hot!

Trailer Trash

Blueway does a good job of making sure we are having fun; once a month is a themed pool party which of course because you know we like to dress up and let our alter ego appear we readily partook in the festivities. We were Pirates, Trailer Trash, Barflies, and Circus.

On non pool party days we and the other folks who liked to party with us, went bike riding to Mullock Creek marina, kayaked on the river, Ft Myers Beach to La Ola’s to watch Johnny Walker, played pickleball, and cards. Many, many happy hours that extended late into the evenings and feeding the wildlife – Bob the Painted Turtle.

That was just the Blueway folks, as of course, we had to play with my brother Will and bride Pam once a week; saw John and Sandy Hill lots of times; had unexpected visit from C and Brad from Clarkston, MI. Went to La Ola’s weekly with Kit and Denise to listen to Johnny and Kit sing. Again, visited John and Sylvia in Duck Key where we went out on the ocean in John’s boat looking for Wahoo and King Fish – caught a King. And what is Florida without an afternoon with the Pat and Bob Tomazic from our Huron, Ohio days. Relaxed with Michele and Jerry LeAnderson where Michele and I tried to do a 1000-piece jigsaw puzzle that took us 2 hours just to separate into colors. That called for a glass of wine and stiff bourbon and to heck with the puzzle.

Family and Friends

Family visits included Amy, Tyrus and Scotty; Colleen the niece all the way from Windsor Ontario Canada and Jess (Amy’s friend). Bob and Linda Nichols (Scotty’s dad and step mom) were in the picture too. Whew!  We loved it!

Best part of wintering in one spot is we met just a lot of awfully nice, fun friends from all walks of life. All of us escaping the cold and just wanting to have fun.

For example: take a look at Phil. When you look at the pic on the left you think, wow what a hillbilly. Well, he is not that is Phil dressed up for the trailer trash party. Phil on the right side of pic in work life was a very hard-working (I think at least he led us all to believe that) construction guy who retired just days before coming to FL. Talk about shedding the work life and embracing the carefree life of retirement -dressing up for trailer trash and all. Just watching him have so much FUN everyday brought a smile to my face. If we could all could be so happy! You rock Phil!


Chet the Jet didn’t do too badly either. Being the Velcro dog he went with us everywhere – biking, to the bars, happy hour, pickleball, and lots of walks. He found numerous “girlfriends” but Mystee was his favorite. I learned to groom him, thanks to Dana which saves a bundle.

Chet Mystee
Chet Sanibel


,,,and boy do we have a different year planned for this season!

We couldn’t think of anyplace we needed to travel to, and we are kind of over picking up and moving every week, so we decided that maybe we would try our hand at camp hosting. Sent out a bunch of inquiries and got picked up at Estes Valley Park and Recreation in Colorado! We couldn’t be more excited to come home to our family, friends and mountains!!!!!! We don’t have too much information at this time other than we will be at the East Portal Campground (small 66 site for tents and small rv’s), as a team we work 26 hours a week either in the campground or camp store; 4 days on 3 days off. We do not have to clean bathrooms – a deal breaker for us. And there are 3 other couples in our campground. Training begins May 15.

Angie Dana

We left Blueway on April 4 and slowly will make our way to Nashville TN to view the eclipse with our Blueway friends Dana and Angie on their houseboat. Then we will mosey on to Colorado, planning to be there May 1, hopefully staying at the Boulder Fairgrounds.

DICLAIMER: viewer discretion advised for the following photos and video

Putt Putt
Hairy Balls
King Fish


  1. Diane Farmer Diane Farmer April 7, 2024

    Wow, what a great winter you guys had & it seems that you have converted Ty into a fan of Florida winters after all! We will look forward to hopefully seeing you this summer in CO 😊

    • janefouchey janefouchey May 2, 2024

      Here for the summer, so let’s get together!

  2. Pam Lawing Pam Lawing April 8, 2024

    As always, great blood. I always smile while reading about your sooo many adventures. You are two special folks. That’s cool you’ll be hosting here!

    • janefouchey janefouchey May 2, 2024

      Since we are here for summer – hope we can get together!

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