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Continuing our travels with brother Will…


and wifey Pam we slowly made our way across the UP of Michigan making stops at Sault St. Marie, where we had a camp spot at Aune Osborne which is right one St Mary’s River about a mile from Soo Locks. It was amazing how close we were to the freighters. Of course, when traveling thru the UP a stop for pasties is a must!

Leelanau is next stop…

Winding down the trip with brother, we all met up with Jerry and Michele LeAnderson (and Jerry’s sister Kristin and Peter) for lots of wine drinking, a meal and fireworks on the lake (which a private citizen puts on annually). I love fireworks! And these were amazing!!!!

Fireworks Little Traverse Lake with LeAnderson’s

6 degrees…

you know about the 6 degrees of separation? Turns out Pam and Michele both grew up on the same street as there is just a few years in age difference. Of course, they did not recognize each other but after introductions Michele starts to inquire of Pam where she lives and where she grew up. Pam says on Barbara in Roseville, Michele says “I grew up on Barbara in Roseville” Pam says, that Barbara is a big street with a couple of blocks and she was the middle block. Michele says “me too.” Turns out they lived 4 houses apart from each other, their sisters were the ones who played together. That is 6 degrees of separation – what are the chances of that? Rest of night Michele and Pam were in memory lane, reminiscing about the block and neighbors.

Another trip for the books…

sadly, the trip with bro comes to end and we part ways for another year. This trip was an unplanned adventure and we all agreed it was a very easy, relaxing, and a surprising sightseeing trip. Never would have gone to Minnesota or Wisconsin on our own but very glad we did.

Friends and Lake Michigan

Friends we are so blessed to have such wonderful friends

Girl Friends

Once we settled into Pioneer Park my girls – Mary Ellen and Peg – came up to spend a super relaxing weekend while Ty went on his annual sail with Jerry. All we did was talk and talk and talk. Spent the entire day (10:30-4:30) at the beach. Did a little swimming, snoozing and lots of talking. It was wonderful to have the “girl time.”

La Ola friends…

Kit and Denise, show up for a couple of days a biking and furious games of Euchre and cornhole (Denise kept complaining I was stepping over the fault line, what a stickler for rules – really, Denise!)

Clarkston friends…

thennnn,,,Tom and Leslie, Cecilia and Brad join us and again we bike ride and spend great nights around the campfire. Weather was so warm

Family Fouchey Weekend…

Fouchey Family

Ta Da,,,keeping with tradition it is rainy, cold and rainy. Does not stop us. It is the also the campground Harvest Trick or Treat where all the kids dress up and collect candy, I also “decorated” with what materials I had on hand and some kid looks at the decoration and declares “That is pretty lame, just saying”

I took his eye out and used it as my costume.


Puppy ALERT!!!

Renee and the Pups!

Back to Indiana to get the slide repaired and some maintenance done, so we left Wanda there and headed to Canada to visit sisters (Ty and I both have sisters in Canada) AND to pick out a puppy! Ty’s sister, Renee, decided to breed her Havanese dog, Queen, and she had 6 pups born on Aug 25. She offered pups to family and friends; I am 3rd pick. Since we are in a lull, we just had to see them for ourselves. Like Ty says “I want a dog that I can treat like a cat.”  We know getting a dog, let alone a puppy, is probably not the wisest thing to do in a RV, but Ty and I are not known for our wise moves. Ha ha. Cannot get the dog till November, we’ll be back…

It was a great visit, not only for the dogs, but to see Renee and hub Kirk – which we have not seen in 3 years due to Covid. As a bonus, we got to see the nieces and nephews, Lauren and Steven, and their significant others and kids. Great reunion, family is always good to have.

September Wrap up…

Left my sister Sue’s house in Windsor, Canada (3 day visit and puppy look see); stopped off at American Coney Island as we drove thru Detroit – sadly our favorite place, Lafayette Coney Island was recently shuttered due to a rat infestation – yikes! Instead we went next door to American so Ty could satisfy his coney craving. Detroit is really changing (except for the weather – still mostly cloudy) but the city itself is seeing a rebirth. And it is so clean – no litter and we even saw 2 guys sweeping the streets as we sat and ate our dogs. Keep it up Detroit!

Detroit Coneys

Wound up at Kit and Denise’s house to sadly watch the fate of our winter homes in Florida as Ian slammed into Ft Myers and Ft Myers Beach. K/D wintered at the Red Coconut on Ft Myers Beach which is totally gone. We winter at the Blueway RV which mostly flooded out – will see if we winter there are not. Luckily John and Sandy Hill – our good friends and landlord (we use their address to register as Floridians) stuck it out and had some damage but nothing major. Shingles off a roof that needs to be replaced anyway, a tree uprooted and lots of frons and limbs down.

ft myers beach Ian aftermath
Flamingos Rescued!
Steve Lawing – my friend

Steve Lawing

This month we lost a very good friend, Steve Lawing. I probably know him better than Ty, as Steve and I were Single Malt buds. I learned a lot about whiskey, and scotch and a lot more because Steve was more than willing to give you an education on just about anything. That’s what I loved about him; I can still see how he cocks his head to one side and waves his hand and says: “Let me tell you…” and off he would go.

I think Steve paid me visit as I was in Meijer’s and there was a Jameson sampling. It was Jameson with ginger and lime, which Steve would absolutely say it was blasphemous to mix a good whiskey with anything. As I lifted my glass, he popped into my head and I toasted him saying: “I know Steve, but this is pretty good. Here’s to you my friend”. He passed that day.

October Preview

will try to get onto Pennsylvania to visit capital and Gettysburg for the month of October. Hopefully, there will be some color.


  1. Joani Zwada Joani Zwada October 9, 2022

    Beautiful days full of joy. Hi to Renee and family, especially those cuddly pups!!

  2. Kristen Rossi Kristen Rossi October 9, 2022

    4th year looks even better!
    So sorry about Steve.

    Let us know when you’re coming back our way. Peeps are asking about you.🎃🎃🎃

    • janefouchey janefouchey October 9, 2022

      will do – probably late Nov

  3. Tamera Tamera October 9, 2022

    You 2 are suckers….LOL so glad you got a puppy….I know you both wanted on…Sure do miss our time together….We are excited to tell you we did buy a house here in Wisconsin….Will be closing sometime next month….Bob and Cruzer say hello

    • janefouchey janefouchey October 9, 2022

      Oh good for you two and Cruzer! Where in WI? Will you be retiring your rig?

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