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November Mishaps

Happy Thanksgiving everyone, albeit late, but the thought is there. Hopefully, all of your friends and family were able to gather, Canadians able to cross the borders and no one had a Covid spreader like last year. November was one mishap after another and I am grateful that as I write this it is coming to an end. Read on….

I Know I Had The Remote For the Fireplace

…it was in my pocket and I started the fireplace with it then poof it is gone. I even remember feeling it in my pocket and reminding myself to put it back in its spot. It is not in it’s spot and to make matters worse, the fireplace manual switch is wonkers right now and the only way to get the fireplace to start is to use the remote. I have searched everywhere – all my pockets, Ty’s pockets, the refrigerator, the pantry, under the cushions, under the chairs and couch, under bed, under the sink, in the silverware drawer. Trash dived twice!

Just plain weird

The CD/Radio system that came with the rig has been on the fritz so I decided to find out what the problem could be. Since this system ONLY works via a remote I am pushing all the buttons and what the hell? The fireplace turns on!  That’s right – the remote will turn on the fireplace. And the weirdest part of that is it is a combination of pushing buttons that don’t make sense but in the right order turns on the fireplace. So there! you stupid hiding remote! BTW still can’t get the CD/radio to work.

We Pull a Willy

Left Walmart for our weekly grocery shopping trip; upon leaving we had to make a Michigan left (turn right to go left). Tricky part was the left turn had a lot of traffic and it is a tight turn. Ty, thinking he is driving a Ferrari, guns it, turns tightly (think I heard wheels scream, but I could be wrong) and makes the turn. All good until 3-4 miles down the road at a red light some guy bangs on our door and shouts “hey Buddy, when you made that turn your tailgate was open and your black and yellow box flew out”. Damn that box had all our bike stuff in it! Helmets, gloves, my much-loved bike basket, yellow jackets, and misc stuff for bike repairs. We turn around and go back but someone thought they had struck pay dirt and the box was nowhere to be found.

Another Willy? Almost

Now folks it is only Nov 8 and the third “lost” items event occurs. We are driving from North Carolina to Savannah GA and we have to make plane reservations for our trip back to Michigan for Fouchey Christmas. This is a complicated affair because Ty will be traveling back to FL from MI and I will return to CO. We want to make sure we get similar flight departure times so not one of us is at the airport waiting a long time. While Ty drives I make the reservations but I have to use both of our phones and separate credit cards to make it easier to check in. To compound the problem, the road is pot holed and Ty is managing to hit them all and when he does I hit a different part of the screen and it jumps someplace else. Getting very frustrated and adding to that I have to go to bathroom and there is NO rest stops. Finally, I tell Ty to just pull over, I jump out, use the bathroom and off we go again. I am finally at the pay screen and look down on my lap and OH NO!!! the credit cards are gone!! They were on my lap and when I jumped out of truck they must have fallen out. It is both of our cards and without we are toast. Can’t get gas, don’t have any checks and we have $4.00 in cash between us. What do we do? We turn around and try to figure out where we stopped, we go back about 10 miles and start the search stopping at 3 places that looked like where we pulled over. No luck did not find them. Trying to decide what to do, I throw some papers in the trash container in the back seat and what do I see in there? The CREDIT CARDS – both of them. Must have put them on the console between seats, then opened the console to get something out and they fell into trash. Think I did that before I got out of car. So really not a Willy.

Head Helmet

Savannah stop and we get oil changed and the back tailgate fixed plus a visit with nephew Jason and wife Lisa, sons Connor and Ethan. They picked the best little pub in a very quaint part of the city, narrow brick paved streets – loved it. And Jason is so thoughtful of Ty as he gave him a helmet to protect his head when walking under the nose of Wanda. It has these pointy ends and if it touches Wanda Ty knows he is too close. Ha Ha thanks Jason!

Crystal River and Crystal Falls Fl

We keep traveling south heading for Wanda’s winter rest break and a 3 year maintenance check-up.

Crystal River FL is a beautiful place right on the gulf. We rented a kayak one afternoon and went into the marshes and canals by the Crystal River. Saw a lot of Manatees and Night Blue Herons.


Red Neck Status Symbol

Stored Wanda at John and Sandy’s place, which is a blessing for us and a neighborhood status upgrade for John. When we discussed this situation, he insisted we store there because he is the only one on block without a rig and a big $%3 truck and this will certainly upgrade his status in the hood.

It Just Won’t End

Day before we leave for Colorado, the blog hosting website got hacked and the thieves didn’t waste anytime racking up charges on my credit card. Thank goodness we get a notice from the bank every time a charge is made so we were able to get on top of that pretty quickly.


Spent a great day with Family, Extended Family, and Friends. What could be any better than that – and for that I am grateful.

November ends and I am grateful, tough month for us.


  1. Margie Broome Margie Broome December 7, 2021

    I love your writing skills! You make even a bad situation sound funny. Sorry about the lost bike items. Christmas present ideas!

  2. Tamera L Hanson Tamera L Hanson December 9, 2021

    What a month….Miss you 2

  3. Gina George Gina George December 17, 2021

    Merry merry and happy happy to you both.
    Always get a smile and sometimes a groan with your posts, Jane Helen.
    All the best always.

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