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Mooching in Melbourne

At the beach with the Welbourn's At the beach with the Welbourn’s Manatees Manatees Scar Scar Melbourne Beach Melbourne Beach Lou's Blues Lou’s Blues

Ty Weighs In (not weight in)

Day 17 of our great adventure.

Our trip is beginning to remind me of a trip we took to the Amazon River the Galapagos and Machu Pichu a few years ago.  Each of those locations had their own guide.  On our current trip each pf our friends act a guide for their current location.  John and Cindy shared their golf courses and the beautiful Destin white sand beaches.  Glen and Midge took us to the Sebastian Inlet where we watched a surfing tournament, which BTW was being won by a 13 year old girl, we walked a pier where a couple of dozen men were fishing saw a couple of them pull in 40-45 pound fish.    Yesterday we went kayaking with Tom and Leslie in a brackish water river of sorts.  It was only 2 feet deep yet we saw a bunch of dolphins chasing down their lunch.   The water was so shallow their dorsal fin was above the water when they spotted a fish you could observe a burst of speed that was pretty exciting.  Finally, along with a bike ride along the inter-coastal we observed 10-12 Manatees basically huddling in a drainage ditch trying to find the warmest water.  It was interesting to see all the scars on their backs caused by boat propellers

Any way thanks to all our “guides” for giving us the locals view of Florida more to come in the next few weeks.  Ty

Simple Equation:  Ty & Jane + Tom & Leslie = drink and party and stay up late

January 16-21 – Melbourne FL

The one thing about Tom and Leslie Welbourn – it doesn’t matter how long it has been since we’ve last seen each other we always seem to pick up where we left off as if there has been no time off.  This means we talk and talk, play and play, and drink and drink!!!!  Nothing better.

Fortunately, Ty has been on the straight and narrow and hasn’t done anything noteworthy of the blog.  Except maybe the 1 hour driving trip to the grocery store that is only 15 minutes away.  Wrong turn.

Anyway, Tom and Leslie took us around to all the sights: the beach twice, and a great fun bar Lou’s Blues where the music is LOUD (ears are still ringing), drinks are flowing, dancing till dawn (actually we had to get out of there before 11pm as the place turns into a 50 and over pick up place.  Ty calls it a meat market).  In return, technical support was provided by me to help them “cut the cable cord” and install an antenna. Tense moments when we couldn’t get the Patriots/Kansas City game.  But I persevered and we finally got it up in running in the 3rd quarter.

Thanks Tom and Leslie for a great time!!  And now it is time to leave the Melbourne area on Monday Jan 21 and head for South Beach and then onto the Keys.

Also had a quick lunch with Lois Leslie – yea!  And our credit card has been replaced so all is looking good!

Editor Correction:  last post I misspelled the Welbourn name, there is no “e” at the end.  Duly noted.