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May will find us where?

The plan for now is to leave here around the 2nd of May and head for Middlebury IN. Why there you ask? Wanda needs a few repairs that other places can’t seem to fix and Grand Design headquarters/factory is located there. Only planning on staying there for a few days, then off to….somewhere.

However, all public and private campgrounds in IN are closed and not accepting reservations for May just yet. Middlebury is 1116 miles from Flagler Beach FL so we found a place to stay in Elizabethtown KY provided we “shelter in place” for 14 days. Then heading to Middlebury on the 18th of May. After that who knows, all depends upon what happens with this virus situation.

Originally, we planned to go to Nova Scotia in June; it was to be the annual (9th) RV trip with brother Will and his bride Pam that we have taken together. But with the Covid-19 and everywhere is shut down, will have to see how it all plays out.

Stay tuned