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June Dogs



An incredible dog, but definitely a “momma’s boy”. Tex was the first dog/house sitting “job” we had in May but I forgot to tell this story and shouldn’t be forgotten.

First night at Wendy’s, Tex slept on couch just outside our bedroom. But the second night was a different story. I stayed the night at a friends, so it was just Ty and Tex. Ty heads for bed, Tex to the couch. About midnight, the bedroom door comes busting open, Ty being sound asleep just couldn’t figure out what was going on. It was Tex who decided that he needed the bed, so he must have run full speed into the door to open it up. Ty is not having any dog sleep in his bed, so he returns Tex to couch. About 1am, Ty now awakens to the sound of furniture crashing, so he gets up and there is Tex trying to get into the natural fireplace – the screen has fallen to the floor and wood and Tex is trying to curl up onto the grate. Ty resettles Tex to the couch. About 3am again Ty is woken up to the loud sounds coming from bathroom. Upon investigating he has found Tex trying to get comfortable in the tub. Ty shoos him out and now picks up all the bath stuff that has fallen into tub and returns to bed only to find Tex curled up on his side. Ty puts Tex on floor next to him and crawls into a wet bed (tub floor was wet) and sleeps until morning. When he opens his eyes he realizes Tex is spooning him, sleeping peacefully.


Gillian – The Irish Setter

Irish Setters are pretty stately dogs; they prance when walking with their long red fringe swaying side to side. Always on the alert when walking to point out (literally Gil did) a bird or rabbit that he saw along the way. Gil, as he is known by, is a 10-year-old and his favorite pass time is to sit in his chair and watch the birds.

I just wanted to put a pipe in his mouth.

Bruce and Sheena’s neighbors – Brian and Shannon

For the first 17 days of June, we stayed at a different another friend of Amy’s that travelled to Scotland to visit their daughter . This is Gil’s home, we stayed and took care of house and him. Bruce and Sheena have some very nice neighbors, Brian and Shannon, that came down and we got into Bruce’s liquor cabinet.

Brian Shannon
Tex puppy eyes

Tex again

Last half of June we returned to the house we stayed at in May with Tex and was there until July 2. Glad to be back with Tex and I think he was happy to see us too. He settled nicely into the closet of the bedroom for the nights. Tex is not only is he a “momma’s boy” he also is a “clock watcher” if a dog can be that. 7am breakfast and walk, noon walk, 5pm dinner and walk. And he has the sweetest of eyes and when he comes up and puts his head on your lap and looks up at you – you just have to either feed him or walk him.

This is what we did with the rest of June

It was actually nice to be in Colorado this month – the weather was spectacular and although Ty can’t hike in the mountains, we have found some really nice hikes just below the foothills. We even came across working cowboys herding cows to another pasture.

Ride in the Mountains

And I am sure you grandparents with teenagers they love to see you but not “hang out” with you. One day we captured Tyrus and with promises of a hamburger in the mountains he took a ride with us one day.

Batter Up! another nice opportunity afforded to us was to watch Tyrus play baseball and hit a homerun for a walk off win. That was fun.


June just cruised on by and we are healing nicely.

I can see and Ty’s range of motion gets better every day.


  1. Tamera Tamera July 8, 2022

    Nice glasses….You 2 gimps are sure busy. So fun to keep up with your adventures. Hope we can hook up in Wisconsin….Love and miss you both.

    • janefouchey janefouchey July 12, 2022

      Have spent the last 14 days in Winter Park CO in the mountains. Getting in a lot of much wanted hiking and enjoy seeing all the moose!
      Plan is still to go to WI in late August, so where are you?

  2. Gina George Gina George July 10, 2022

    Love seeing your update, Jane Helen. Glad to her you are both recovering well fro May Medicals. Keep smiling.
    Gina xoxoxo

  3. Gina George Gina George July 10, 2022

    I was not intoxicated when I posted that comment, but it reads as if I was. Should be “hear” and not “her” and “from” not “fro” so whatever. My English major mother would have a conniption.
    Gina again xoxoxox

    • janefouchey janefouchey July 12, 2022

      Ha Ha – with this age of technology I actually got it the first time!

      Thinking of trying to make the reunion as we will be in Muskegon until Sept 25. Wonder if we can “park” the rig in the KofC?

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