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July Musings

Work on blog Work on blog Last Ocean Swim Last Ocean Swim

Want to thank all of you who have expressed concerned for us resuming our travels.

We have revised our mode of travel and no longer take any tours (where open), no Ubers or taxis, only eat in a restaurant outside at an end table where people are not walking past us. Of course, state capitals are closed so where we can we do drive-by, but are not going out of way to view them.

While in campground we stay to ourselves, not inviting surrounding campers to visit us.

That means a lot of biking, hiking, walking and driving around. And of course, wearing our masks always!

Last swim on Lk MI Last swim on Lk MI

Last Swim

Got Wanda all packed up and ready to go, but it was such a nice morning that we decided one last swim in the warm, clear Lake Michigan was in order. Nothing compares to swimming in the Great Lakes and we have swam in all 5 of them.

Back to Grand Design – Are You Kidding Me?

After we left Muskegon (boo hoo) we decided to head east to at least see some of the New England States even if the Nova Scotia trip was canceled. Just a little detour to have them look at the squeak (again for the 4th time!), this time 2 people came out and greased the bearings in places where we would never should have looked.  It was an extremely hot day while we waited and the VP of Grand Design, Don Clark came out with ice cream. Nice gesture but wish he could have fixed our squeak. Anyway, Chris and Jay greased away and told us to drive about 300 miles to get the grease nice and distributed and that should take care of problem.

Not so – we drove 393 miles to Parker Dam, set up and the squeak was even louder than before.

Will return to Grand Design Sept 14.


GD parking lot - again GD parking lot – again

Parker Dam State Park PA

Ohio Turnpike is to be avoided at all cost – not only expensive, $42 ouch worth, but the worst road we have ever encountered! All the pot holes, the cracks, the upheavals that I got a little carsick. Poor Wanda had her teeth shook loose (where does that expression come from?).

All I can say is Ohio has nice service centers and even RV overnight places which we couldn’t fit into because we are too big. Nice thought tho. Instead we pulled into where the truckers park, and crawled into bed.

Parker Dam was a beautiful state park albeit not the typical state park. It has a campground, and beach area all located next to dam but it was all on privately owned property meaning passing thru the area was open to everyone. We took couple of short hikes, even shorter bike ride. Stayed 2 nights.

Catskills New York

20200704_124831 See Gorilla face See Gorilla face St John Ukrainian St John Ukrainian Catskills Cats Catskills Cats

Ever wonder how Catskills got it’s name? The name Catskill is derived from the Dutch Kaaterskill (“Wildcat Creek”), as one of the better-known nearby streams is called.

This is a beautiful area, mountainous, thick woods, lively streams. It was 4th of July weekend and packed with people everywhere NOT wearing masks. Even the most popular hike to the Kaaterskill Falls was closed to contain the people. We opted to drive around and view the area. Came across St John Ukrainian Church tucked away on the mountain side. All wood very unique structure

Biked 22 miles on Ashokamd Reservoir Rails to Trails path. Lovely, but we haven’t ridden in awhile and my butt was telling me so. Short drive into Catskills, quaint town, and everywhere were these statues of cats all decorated cute. And an advertisement for EX-LAX right over the H&R Block establishment. See the irony in that?

Exlax and HR Block Exlax and HR Block Ashkamd Reservoir Ashkamd Reservoir 1st table sparklers 1st table sparklers This is FIREWORKS This is FIREWORKS last sparklers again last sparklers again

4th of July Fireworks


I love a good fireworks display and the campground we stayed in, Brookside, was very proud to let us know that they were having fireworks right across from our site in the Pavilion area! Yippee!! We set ourselves up with our lawn chairs. Now this campground was probably 99% Hispanic and Native American (guess we were really outnumbered). Big families having a great  4th,  playing soccer, having picnics and then dinner all in the pavilion area. It was heartwarming to watch these families having such a good time in this crisis like nothing was amiss. Anyway, fireworks time and the camp host set up a table full of large sparklers and set them off. They flamed away for about 30 minutes and we thought, okay that was nice. THEN came the big guns and they had a firework display that would rival any city. And they were shooting off right over our heads! This first one that went off, Ty takes off running and I duck down as we were not expecting this. That went on for about 45 minutes. Now this is a private campground putting on this display. When that finished, each of the families (about 5 in all) one at a time then had their own display. This were huge 6-10ft sparklers that burned for about 15 minutes each. And they didn’t just light off one, they lit off multiples. That lasted about another 45 minutes. It is nearing midnight and then it is time for the M80’s. I loved every minute of it as I love a good show!

mt wash trail mt wash trail

Mount Washington

Check off Bucket List

The next few paragraphs are coming from TY

The only thing I really wanted to do when we visited New England was hike Mt. Washington so the following is a summary of that experience but first a few words about the mountain.  It is 6,288 feet tall, the tree line starts at 4,400 feet, it holds the record for the highest wind velocity without a tornado, 231 MPH in 1934, the most snow in a 24 hour period of 49 inches in 1969; over the years several hundred people have died while hiking the mountain most by exposure.  In other words, it is a powerful, by Colorado standards, small mountain.

Everyone who knows Jane knows that she always has a plan, plan A, a plan B and occasionally plan C.  All of these plans are usually good although I have to admit that at times, I don’t really know which plan we are following.  Anyway, her plan for hiking Washington was to do the first 2 miles up with me and then she would turn around while I continued on.  Turns out that the trail to the top was 4 miles so as she was heading back down, she decided to implement plan B and rather than hike 2 miles down she would just hike the remainder of the 2 miles up to the top with me.  Turns out this was not one of her better plans.  So, we both hiked up the Ammonoosuc trail which is very steep rock/bolder covered for its entire length.   To say that Jane was exhausted would be an understatement.  Check out the trail pictures it is nothing like we ever encountered before particularly for such a long stretch. We eventually made it to an Appalachia trail cabin where we could rest, refill our water and buy food.  We then had another mile and a half of rock-strewn steep trail to the top.  The good part of Jane’s plan B was to take the cog railway down which she was able to do.  I then continued down the Jewel trail for another 4 miles which was supposed to be easier than the ascent trail, it wasn’t, just more of the same.  In total, 8 miles in 8 hours most difficult 8-mile trail ever.



Lake of the Clouds Lake of the Clouds

Crab Walk

Have you ever crabbed walked up a mountain – well, I am not ashamed to say that’s what I did while following plan B. This is one of the times I wish I had stuck with plan A for a variety of reasons.

  1. Since I was originally only going to go a little bit up the trail, I did not pack ANY food.
  2. Since I was originally going to go a little bit up the trail, I did not read up on the trail or the difficulty rating (extreme)
  3. Since I was originally only going to go a little bit up the trail, I had a light breakfast knowing that I had packed a BIG lunch to eat while I was supposed to wait for Ty.
  4. Since I was originally only going to go a little bit up the trail, I did not have ANY warm weather or rain clothes with me.
  5. Since I was originally only going to go a little bit up the trail, I only filled my camel back ½ with water.

I literally made every mistake possible and actually feel very lucky that I made it to the top. Thank the Lord for the Cog down.

I actually decided to continue up the mountain because I really did turn around at the 2 mile mark, got about 800 ft down but I was so dizzy and the boulders so big that I thought I had a very good chance of falling and really hurting myself. I called Ty (amazing that we had cell service) and told him I was coming back up and would hike to the end. I did not tell him that I was dizzy. We get to about the 2.5-mile mark and the boulders were huge and I was so dizzy that I started to crab walk up the boulders. This went on for an eternity until Ty finally says: “Jane, that looks really hard, why don’t you just stand up?” Confession time. Okay, I continue on crab style and am starting to stop every 20 steps or so. I am exhausted. Ty says: “Jane, why don’t you rest and eat something?” Confession time – no food. I know Ty is really not happy with me, but hey remember those wedding vows “for better or worse?” and I know he has food (peanut butter and jelly sandwiches – 2 to be exact). But I am not asking for any, I am not begging, just waiting to see if he will take pity on me. After maybe a football field length he does break down and gives me a ½ of one of his sandwiches. He was probably thinking that if I passed out and had to be medevacked out, that I would rat him out for holding out on nourishment – and I would have too!


Cog to the Rescue!

It took me well over 5 hours, 3,282 calories burn, to go the 4.5 miles to the top. Took and hour just to go .5 mile once we reached the cabin at the 4-mile mark. Found the Cog, paid $51 (the best $51 dollars I ever spent), and rode 45 minutes back to base and my BIG lunch.

Needless to say, but will say it anyway, by far the hardest hike I have ever done and I don’t intend to repeat anything like that anytime soon.

Cog -my savior Cog -my savior Aunt Kate Tim Aunt Kate Tim

Aunt Kate

We had the pleasure of meeting Scottys’ Aunt Kate while we were in NH. Never have met them (husband Tim too) before and it turned out to be a wonderful visit, 3 times! Kate and Tim live in this very nice condo community that had a wooded courtyard set up so we could stay at our distance. Kate also lent us a lot of literature about the area of Franconia Notch, Mt Washington, and the Green Mountains which was so helpful and pointed us in the right direction for hikes.

Thanks Aunt Kate!  It was wonderful to meet you and Tim. Love your place and can see why you live there in the summer.  Hope this winter is not too brutal for you.

view from fire tower view from fire tower

Lake Winnipesauka

After a two-day recovery we venture onward again to Meredith NH, site of the largest lake, Winnipesauka, in New Hampshire. And it is absolutely beautiful. Hiked up the Red Hill Fire Tower trail for outstanding views.


Off to Portsmouth getting to the Atlantic Ocean and back into some history lessons. Great town to walk around, but unfortunately for us we are in a heat wave and walking around in 98 degrees is not for us. We did “tour” around a bit but actually headed for the docks for lobster rolls. Yum

Best Place for Lobster Rolls Best Place for Lobster Rolls USSConstitution

Ate My Way Through Boston

Quick jaunt drive from Portsmouth, again another very hot day 95. Did the 2.5 mile Freedom Trail although it did take us about 5 hours since it was so hot that we made many stops to rest, refresh and eat (Italian pastries at Mikes). And Italian dinner in a quaint outdoor café in the heart of the North End where many Italian immigrants settled.

Cannolli's Cannolli’s Social Distancing Appetizers Social Distancing Appetizers StreetsofBoston StreetsofBoston donkey donkey

Why the Donkey?

“In 1828, Andrew Jackson established the Democratic party and ran for president using the popular slogan, “Let the people rule” His opponents thought him silly and labeled him a “jackass”. Jackson, however, picked up on their name calling and turned it to his own advantage by using the donkey on his campaign posters. Over the years this donkey had become the accepted symbol of the Democratic party.”

PaulRevere PaulRevere

Horse Statue Trivia

If the horse has both front feet off the ground, the rider died in battle.

If the horse has only one front foot off the ground, the rider died of wounds suffered in battle.

If the horse has all fours touching the ground, the rider died of natural causes.

Off Tip of Cape Off Tip of Cape RI Campsite RI Campsite Mansion on Cliff Trail Mansion on Cliff Trail TeaHouse Hydrangeas Hydrangeas

Cape Cod

The state flower is the Violet but it should be the Hydrangeas because they are everywhere and the most color is blue which occurs naturally because of the soil chemistry.

Still in the heat wave, but moved to Cape Cod where it was still incredible hot and crowded. Stayed at a campground that the site was so tight we couldn’t put our awnings out – thankfully we only had someone stay next to us for 2 nights.  I mean you were so close you could hear people in the next rig over eat.

“The Cape” as it is referred to now relies on tourist interested in the Gilded Age (1870-1900)– which is when all the very expensive mansions were built by the Robber Barons who used union busting, fraud, intimidation, violence and their extensive political connections to gain advantage. They were relentless in their efforts to amass wealth while exploiting workers and ignoring standard busines rules and often the law! Andrew Carnegie, JD Rockefeller and Henry Frick.  I suppose these will be the next statues to come down or names on building to be changed. And they are still exploiting all these clueless people who tour the mansions at $50 a piece!

We found no history on the origins of Newport, however, since we are not going to museums and not taking any tours, we relied on the closed visitor center to provide us guidance on what to see and do while on the Cape. Thus, we took a “Cliff Walk” that winds around the cliffs of the Atlantic and gives one views of the mansions.  It was 3 miles of rocky terrain with sheer cliffs. No for the faint of heart. Because of heat we mostly explored by car, going to the 2 lighthouses and various beaches which were packed with people so we didn’t stop.

Barre Vermont

Last stop for the month we choose Vermont. Wanted to do some more serious hiking and biking before we hit the donut trail with brother Will and bride in August. Stayed at the most beautiful little friendly (owner) campground. A ma and pop (actually to gay guys) operation. Hike 2 times, Stowe Pinnacle (straight up of course) and Moss Glen Falls. Both just a little over 4 miles however extremely rocky. Biked Island Line Trail out of Burlington; very nice ride that followed an old train track that connected South Hero, Grand Isle and Rock Island to Vermont via Lake Champlain. Last day Ty hiked Mt. Mansfield, highest peak in Vermont.

Moss Glen Falls Moss Glen Falls

The Mishaps

What you’ve all been waiting for – what went wrong this month?

I exercise outdoors usually and part of that exercise is laying on ground doing crunches, sit-ups, etc. Here I am trying to get my exercise in before we pick up camp and move to RI; I notice some type of rubber hose hanging out from below the truck. Neither Ty nor I are mechanics and could not figure out what this hose does, decided to leave and keep an eye on the gauges, which they didn’t budge the whole trip to RI, but what are these hoses for?

David Saves Us

On our way to RI, just at the exit before a 1-mile bridge we had another blow-out. Same side, but the other tire. Able to exit and pull over by the side of road where 2 workmen were doing some plumbing work on a vacant gas station. Once stopped one of the guys, David, comes over and tells us he can change our tire, that he has all the equipment. And he did! He did not want anything, but of course we had to give him a few bucks for his effort. Thank you, David,!!!

David who changed our tire David who changed our tire

Merrily We Go Round About

Just before we pulled away, we did the “do we have any lights on the back of rig” check and we did not. Good ole internet directed us to a RV repair close by, we call. They can’t get us in until Aug 2! MMMM, not going to work; we decide to go to our next destination and try and find a repair from there. We are merrily driving along and hit this round about (the east is full of them) when the RV place calls back and tells us ”if we can get there within the hour, they will squeeze us in!” While I am talking to the RV place, Ty now continues to go around and around and around in the round about! Think we circled 8 times while I tried to figure out with Google maps how far away we were which was a feat because Google maps kept rerouting me as we kept circling! Turns out we were ½ mile away. So spent the afternoon spending money.

While waiting for RV repair, we went to GM dealership. Turns out it is a vent hose, no problem just uses a zip tie to put it back in place – no charge. Whew.

Water Falls

Sitting outside working on the blog, my sister wants to Duo (it is like Zoom) – I put my phone up by my computer so I can see her and maybe type a little too. It is starting to drizzle and Ty, bless his heart, decides to put the awning out so I will be protected since it is a small passing storm. As the awning extends all this water (we forgot that it poured about 3 hours earlier) from the awning came crashing down on me, the phone, and dumped into the computer keyboard. I let out a scream and Ty, curse him, says “Quit screaming and move!” He wasn’t the one with the surprise shower on his head. Thankfully, we were able to save the computer (thanks to brother in law Mark who’s retired from fire restoration for his instructions how to dry out computer), dumped out the water and put it in front of a fan all night. Seems to have done the trick although the left-hand bottom corner of screen has some water in it. Phone is fine. I dried out too.

Toilet Revisited

Lastly, remember the toilet incident from last year? How it took forever to get a replacement seat to fit correctly. Well, it is cracked at the hinge and now it slams down and I get a little ride when sitting. How does it get a crack in it? I’ve got to loose some weight I guess.


August we will be in New York starting out in Albany. This is the 9th (?) annual RV trip with brother Will and bride Pam. Looking forward to socializing albeit 6 feet.


One Comment

  1. Debbie Kullby Debbie Kullby August 2, 2020

    I hiked part of Mt. Washington with my 11 and 12 year old kids (now 50 and 51). My son crawled up. Stayed in Appalachian Trail cabin. Windy as hell.

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