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Richmond VA Sept 12-Sept 18

Sista Sue & fam Sista Sue & fam Sista doin jello shots Sista doin jello shots

Happy 80th Birthday Sista Sue

Pulled into campground, Pocahontas State Park Richmond VA, on Thursday the 12th and I flew out the next day to Windsor Ontario Canada to surprise my sister for her 80th birthday celebration.  Amy flew in also because her skill was needed to decorate and pull it all together – she is a wonder at doing this!  I love surprises and this one was pulled off perfectly.  Amy and I were sitting on Colleen’s front porch and Colleen called Sue to come over and help set up, as Sue rolled down the street and she saw us, you could see on her face that she was really surprised to see Amy and me.  That started the party weekend!

Va Capital Va Capital Jefferson Jefferson

Capital of Virginia is in Richmond

Staying true to our mission to visit the state capitals, we spent a day in Richmond “touring around”.  What makes this capital building interesting is that Thomas Jefferson designed the capital, modeling after a Greek style building in France.  It has the notable Greek columns on the front and peaked portico’s over the doors which subsequent capitals also adopted. So far it is the only capital that we have toured that hasn’t burned down although it has been situated in 2 other locations.  It is a grand building and the Senate and House of Representatives still convene there.  And there is an exact replica of George Washington on display, George modeled for the artist even having a plaster cast of his face so forever one can actually see what he looked like.

From the capital we went to the Richmond History and Culture Museum is where we spent the rest of the day.  Museum is really well done with much emphasis spent of the enslaved.  We even had lunch at the museum, I got the best salad I think I have ever eaten.

Richmond National Battlefield Park

Next day we headed to the pay our respects to the Union soldiers who gave their lives fighting the Civil War at the Oakwood Cemetery.  What I did not know about the 2 major Civil War cemeteries in Richmond is that 99% of the graves are of Union soldiers.  Why?  After a battle, the Confederates took their dead back to be buried in their home towns.  Union did hasty burials usually at the site of the battles.  In 1865-67 there was an effort to go back to the battlefields, exhume and rebury in what is now cemeteries specifically for Union soldiers.  There are 2 such cemeteries in Richmond: Oakwood and Hollywood.

Officer, we were just following Google

As we were touring around decided to go to Fort Harrison, using google maps of course.  As we enter the Fort area, we can’t spot the visitor center and I am in need of a rest.  Following google and “she” tells us to turn down Maintenance road, so we do.  Well, it is obvious to us that this isn’t right so we follow the road to the turn around, make the turn where all the discarded vehicles sit, stop and talk about is this a good place for me to rest?  No drive up a bit to that trailer and I will rest there.  Ok!  That done and no one around we make our way out.  Wait!!! Is that a cop car behind us with his lights on?  OMG, I’m going to be ticketed for indecent behavior, oh %$#^  Officer Dade comes up and says, and I will add in his most unfriendly, stern, gruff voice “What are you doing in this restricted area?”

We say “Looking for the visitor center and google takes us back here”

Officer “You know you can’t trust Google.  You look very suspicious (who us?) with the slow driving and you stopped in the turn, then stop again just a little bit up here.  What are you doing?

Us: do we tell him I took a rest?  No we stick to the visitor center story

Officer “Can’t you see there’s no visitor center here and didn’t you see the Do Not Enter – Restricted area signs? License and vehicle registration.

Now here is the thing…we look suspicious?  Two old farts, driving around in a white truck, FL license plates.  He never asked if we had guns, or alcohol only did we have any outstanding warrants.  What did he think we were going to do? Blow up a civil war park (by the way, this park is out in the middle of nowhere and there is NO body around.  And where in the heck did he come from as we didn’t see him and I hope to begeezie I’m not on camera!

After a 15 minute wait while he checks us out (sorry to disappoint) he returns.

Officer: “Here is your license and this registration is for some sort of recreational vehicle.  No matter, let’s see your map.”  Now he is still talking gruff.

I showed him that we don’t have a map, just phone and he says in a 180 turnaround of voice

Officer: “Don’t you have the Richmond Battlefield Map?  I have on in my car, let me get it for you” Then he proceeded to tells us his favorite places to go, best way to get there, what to expect etc.  The most amazing part is now we are best buds!!!  No indecent ticket.  There are angels in this world.  I am going to stop drinking so much water when we are touring!

Gaines Mill and Cold Harbor Battlefields

Gaines Mills battle fought in 1862.  Union intent was to advance onto Richmond, but Lee had other plans.  GM was part of the Seven Days battles in which Lee out strategized Stonewall.  Lee also commandeered a house of an old lady to use as a field hospital.  She left before the battle, never to return as the house was full of bullet holes, glass broken and so much blood stains on the floor.

Cold Harbor battle of 1864 had a 1-mile walking trail following the trenches and foxholes that are still visible.  Then the open fields where the armies just marched into cannon fire.  Again the goal is Richmond, but the Union was defeated again and the casualties high, 2000 men a day died, battle lasted a couple of days.  Grant had regretted that he did it as it didn’t make any difference in the war.

praying mantas


Praying Mantas – spotted this little guy on the steps to the Culture Museum

Toilet Seat

You can always tell that the person who designed the toilet seat that came standard never had to clean it.  It has all these brackets on the underside which made cleaning it a real pain.  Ty tired of my cursing sighs so he went and got a replacement.  RV toilets are just not standard issue, so the seat kept sliding around (know what I mean?).  Long story short…we have had 2 replacements, neither have fit so now the toilet is seat less.  You can imagine what a balancing act that is now!!  I now empathize with jail cells toilets and the occupants.

Hunt is on for a seat that fits and doesn’t take you for a ride every time you have a sit!

Planter Fasciitis

Glad to report that this seems to under control.  Ice, stretch, ibprophen every morning so it only bothers me when I wake up in the morning.  Rested it a lot when visited sister.  Thank you to all of you with your helpful hints and tips.

Onto Washington DC

Next stop is Washington DC will spend some time here.

Art Jennie Art Jennie


I forgot to mention while we were at Glen Maury City Park, we camped next to a wonderful couple, Art and Jennie from Rhode Island whom also started full timing this past January.  Most evenings we gathered around the fire and talked about our collective travels and next stops.  They will be wintering in AZ.