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Lake Norman, Michigan, Colorado

Been Awhile

Haven’t written in awhile due to fact that time really does fly when you are having fun and it just got away from me.  Plus I forgot my computer and was unable to write to the blog on my tablet.

Update on Ty

Thank the Lord for Ty’s recovery – it really took awhile for him to get his strength back, the entire month of July.  We briefly were in Colorado for his regular physician to check out his kidney, liver, and blood levels which are all back to normal.  The cardio doc did a cursory check and declared all sounds good but would like to do an echo and stress test which the first available appointment is Aug 21.  Ty will return for those tests, just a quick in and out and I will stay with Wanda.

Mr Incredible

Lake Norman North Carolina

What a blast!!!  Scotty’s dad and step mom have a very, very nice condo on Lake Norman and we all converged for the week, including niece Colleen.  Scotty rented a speed boat with all the pull-alongs to go with it for the kids enjoyment and Linda (step mom) borrowed a pontoon boat which immediately was deemed the “party boat”.  For 5 days the regimen was, start moving around 9, on the water by 11, come in for dinner around 6:30, then to the pool for adults and kids back on the water.  Not a bad vacation.  Also had a graduation party for Cody (Scotty’s niece) where most of the Nichols side of family came, then a pool party on Linda’s daughters’.  We really enjoyed being with Scotty’s family for an extended period of time – they sure can party which is right up Ty and mine alley!  Even Lacie enjoyed riding on the tube!

The weather was in the high 90’s the entire week and the lake water was probably even warmer.  The thing to do if you wanted to get from boat to pontoon boat was you have to jump in and swim (and of course if you had to pee).  Surprisingly, the water was soooo warm that it was not really refreshing.

Lake Norman is a man-made lake, created by the local nuclear power plant which needs water to cool.  So back in 1959 the valley was flooded to create 585+ acres of lake.  Reminds me of a spider in shape with a main body and a lot of off shoots.  And the lake has the typical “cottage” homes now being overrun with mansions.  But still beautiful and we sure had fun.

We left Wanda safely stored at Danae and Blake Lawing (yes all Lawings’ come from North Carolina and are related to William Lawing) property near Lake Norman.  Thank you so much for allowing us to leave her there and then extending the time!

Linda Bob Nichols
Lacie on tube
Niece Colleen

Grand Haven Michigan

Nothing beats getting away for some good old fashion fun, drinks, and heavy conversation than that with friends you have known for over 40 years.  I love my Sista girlfriends Lynn, Peg and Mary Ellen.  Always a laugh a moment.  First day  we pull up to our hotel, which by the way I arranged from afar, not remembering the area and just going off the internet, which was flanked by 2 liquor stores and had a dumpster diver rooting through the garbage.  Looking into the windows the curtains in many of the rooms were falling down – the place looked just disastrous.  “I’m not going in there,” I declared, Lynn says we will just all stick together and not go out at night.  Like NO.  We eat the first night lodging and head for someplace else – any place else.  Just not here.  We wind up in Grand Haven, lovely spot right on Lake Michigan full of tourist shops, a great chocolate candy store where I think I sampled all 45 offerings (we did buy 6 pieces of chocolate for $15!), a hat store where I tried on every hat – loved them all, and some great eateries.

Grand Haven has a nightly (summer only) laser light water fountain display that has been going on for over 40 years and is every bit as good as the Vegas display, maybe even better because it is observed by looking across the Grand River which makes it even more dramatic.  Music plays while the water jumps around and colored lights flash on and off.

Then the sunsets to die for – and we hit it on the night of the “buck moon” which was coming up as the sun was going down.  Incredible sight.


Leelanau Michigan

For over 30 years Ty has been sailing with Jerry LeAnderson on the Great Lakes.  Where ever the boat is moored, that’s where the sailing begins.  The boat is now in Leelanau (where Jerry and Michele have their beautiful home) and off Ty and Jerry go for a short couple of day sprint until weather came in, all while I was in Grand Haven.

After my week of fun with the girls, I rented a car and drove up to Leelanau to be with Ty, Jerry and Michele now that the sailing was over.  They have the most beautiful home in Little Traverse Lake up in the “pinky finger” of the Michigan mitt.  Our time was spent lazing around the lake, taking boat rides, watching the birds, watching the deer munch on all the beautiful plants Michele so painstakingly planted and the racoon feast on the grease of the bbq.  We did some bicycling on the TART trails which is a network of bicycle and pedestrian trails in the area.  A nice surprise was a garden that is sponsored by a non-profit in memory of a young woman who died unexpectedly.  This garden was right on the TART trail and was beautiful to walk thru.


More Sad News 

Mike Black

Dear Friend Mike Black passed away on Friday August 2, 2019.  The husband of Patty Black, whom is Doug Reilly (Amy’s ex) mother.  Even after the divorce, we and mostly Ty have remained good friends with Mike.  It was devastating to learn of his passing from a cardiac arrest riding his motorcycle as was his passion.

Mike you will be forever remembered, may you ride endlessly on the smooth roads of heaven.

Please hug and hold the one(s) you love, as you just don’t know.

Can We Mess Up Our Airline Tickets Anymore?


This section of our great adventure included a lot of air travel which we made the plans in March not anticipating the added trip to Colorado.  So here is a run down of our comedy of errors.

March – Ty and I make separate one-way plane trips on different airline from Charlotte to Detroit (me) and Traverse City (Ty).  We also made one-way plane trips from Traverse City back to Charlotte.  I took the travel insurance option and Ty opted out.  LESSON LEARNED:  never opt out!!!

July 13– a couple days before my flight, I discover that my SW flight is 5 hours long!!!  Ty’s, although on Delta is only 1.5 hours long.  Luckily, you can change with SW with no penalty so I cancel my SW flight and opt to get on same plane as Ty since his was going onto TC.  I did this 2 days before leaving for Michigan and I anxiously awaited for my boarding pass the day before leaving since Ty got his.  LESSON LEARNED: always try and book a flight that lets you cancel within 24 of booking!  About 15 minutes before the 24 hours is up, I check the Delta app and see this happy message (I am envisioning smiling emojis) that my flight will depart in 13 days and 7 hours. OMG I made it for the wrong Monday, yikes, my heart is beating fast, I call Delta, get put on hold, wait with the clock ticking and just as the time is up my call is answered!! “Hello this is Alice, and whom do I have the pleasure of speaking with?”  Screw Up Jane that’s who!! Luckily, I was able to get onto the correct flight.  Thanks Delta!

July 22 – It now occurs to us that we have to fly to Colorado for Ty to get his heart checked out and for Mike’s service.  What we have is a flight from Traverse City to Charlotte, then we will have to make travel plans to fly to CO.  Not a problem for me’cause I opted in for the flight insurance – Lesson Learned.  I cancel my plans, file for the reimbursement and happily make travel plans for CO.  Ty on the other hand had to fly to Charlotte, spend night and then fly to CO.

We need to get more flight savvy.

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Never have we taken the bus from the airport and I can’t figure out why because it is so easy and cheap!  $5.25 senior rate.  Trip takes about 40 minutes from DIA to the Table Mesa Station.  Return trip back to DIA is just as easy.  If you haven’t taken the bus yet, give it a try!

Great Adventure Picks Up Again

Spent most time with our family, going to Tyman’s baseball games (he is terrific – but what else since he is so athletic), and making Marvel character costumes.  Having some alone time with Tessa, eating brunch and shopping, taking Lacie dog for walks and relaxing with Amy and Scotty’s friends (we have such a great time with them), late nights with Amy and Scotty, AND spinning my brains out in Amy’s spin class – yahoo!

Returned to North Carolina on August 7, and will be exploring the Blue Ridge Parkway.

Plan On Returning To Colorado

We still plan on coming home sans Wanda sometime in November and hitting the road again in end of January.  If anyone plans on being gone and want someone to watch over their home, we will be glad to oblige – just let us know.  We are hoping for a lot of snow so we can get some skiing in.