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Pat and Bob Pat and Bob Candy Store Chandeliers Candy Store Chandeliers Carrie B Carrie B Beach at Pompano Beach at Pompano

February 23 – March 2


New digs means new ouchies..As we are trying to settle into our new “home” and it seems every day our heads have found the edge of every cupboard.  We are about to look like Les Nesmen from WKPR Cincinnati with all the cuts and bruises.  Hung up some towel bars and hooks so we can tuck everything away and of course rearranging means ANOTHER trip to the thrift store.  We have discovered that Polly (the old and smaller rig) was able to hold more stuff than the bigger Wanda – go figure

Jurassic Park

Taken for surprise when a herd of Iguanas jumped out and ran across the bike path right in front of me while we were on a 20-mile bike ride on the Cypress Creek which is along a canal.  These little prehistoric dinosaurs were everywhere and I understand that they are open game as they are not indigenous to Florida.  Therefore, these little beasts if found in a yard has the same fate as the rabbits in Anthem   Bye Bye.  They are ugly creatures with spiny backs, little legs and BIG teeth.  I don’t mind the geckos because they don’t do damage but if one should run into an iguana that would be disastrous.

How to you translate that?

We’ve noticed some interesting signs that we thought we would share…


Funny French

This sign translates “Crossing Hot Guys”  what’s your take


The Preserve

This sign is for a Senior Center – is it the fountain of youth?


Pat and Bob Tomizac – Ohio Friends

We had the good fortune to meet up with Pat and Bob in Weston FL.  We know Pat and Bob from our brief stay in Ohio back in the 80’s.  After we left Ohio, we got out of touch with these fine people but as fate would have it our paths reconnected after we moved out to Colorado as Pat and Bob had a time share in Beaver Creek and we again reconnected for one night in the early fall.  But alas, again we lost touch but Facebook to the rescue and Pat reached out after seeing the Great Adventure blog.  So once again we meet up for a day.  Started out in Weston, then went to Ft Lauderdale for a boat tour on the Carrie B up and down the New River where the viewing consists of gawking at all the beautiful mansions and huge yachts of the rich and famous.  Story that the guide told was some rich person who had a 17,000 sq feet, 17,000!!!! was having a baby so the house is up for sale as they need more room!!!  Then off to the Southport Raw Seaford Bar for some peel & eat shrimp, clam chowder, fish and chips and lots of wine.  Somehow when we are with Pat and Bob we always drink way too much wine so we really needed to eat to soak it all up.  Nice visit – Thanks Pat and Bob.  Keep in touch.

Unhook Up – Hook Up Down

Why can’t we remember that?  Ok, getting ready to hook up Wanda to move onto Venice and Arcacia Fl for the next couple of weeks and we are pretty nervous and have found a You Tube video which shows us how.  So, we review it a couple of times, but disagree on should the Kingpin be above the plate or below.  Agreement settled on 1” above.  Well that is wrong, very very very wrong (quoting the French guy across the street who finally came to rescue).  We connected with the Kingpin 1” higher and got it wedged in the plate and spent the next hour trying to unwedge it.  We even made a useless phone call to LazyDays support which told us that sounds like we did it right and must be connected.  Well we are connected just the wrong way and now we can’t unconnected.  Finally, a neighbor comes out and says (now you have to read this in French accent)

  • “Voud u leek me to geat Robert?”
  • Rober “Ohh tees is very very very wrong very bad”

Oh Dear

But he manages to get it fixed then says “Always remember – unhook UP, hook up DOWN”

Oh great – something we 70 year old’s have to remember

Ah Ty

Driving along Alligator Alley I look out the side mirror

  • “Ah Ty we forgot to close the door bar (there is a bar-handle by the steps that should be flush with rig while driving)”
  • Ty “Ok – I won’t get too close to anyone on right – it will be ok”
  • “Ah Ty – the door is opening and closing too”

Shit – pull over, close door, flush up the bar – how long have we’ve been driving around like that?