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Shining Candy  Apple Red Shining Candy Apple Red Gator Gator bird bird

BIKE Purchased

January 26, 2019

I know that all of you are on pins and needles wondering if Ty was going to find a bike.  We drove back to Miami and went on recommendation from John, to Macks Bike Shop and Ty found the bike of his dreams!  Well at least one in a reasonable price range.  I was all for going to the “Dead Man Stores” but Ty would have nothing to do with that.  Anyway, the bike store had a nice selection to choose from – Ty bought a Candy Apple Red Specialized Hybrid with disc brakes. Thanks to all for your notes of concern for Ty.

Then we headed to Naples with a short stop at Shark Valley Nature Preserve for a 15-mile bike ride (what else) in gator alley.  Saw at least 10 alligators and numerous birds.  Bike worked well for Ty even in the rain.

History lesson:  Shark Valley gets its name because the land area lies in a valley with east and west coast being higher.  Ponce De Leon was sailing up the Gulf Coast looking for fresh water.  He happened upon a river and entering encountered sharks (more near the mouth where it is salt/fresh water combo) so he named the river Rio Tiburon or Shark River.  When the rest of the area was explored it was named the Shark Valley after the river running through it.

Will be in Naples for at least a week with brother Will and sis-in-law Pam. Will be on the hunt for a new rig.