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Florida Mooches

WesleyMansion FL WesleyMansion FL Virginia Live Red Oak Virginia Live Red Oak GraftonBeachDuneLake GraftonBeachDuneLake

The First Mooch

January 7-13

First Mooch stop is hosted by Cindy and John McCue in Miramar FL.  Michigan friends and John and Ty were co-workers at GM.  It has been a lovely stay as they put on great tourist tours of the Panhandle of Florida plus just really nice.  John and Cindy spend at least one day a week working Habitat for Humanity building houses.  They have been doing this for 3 or 4 years (since they moved from MI) and have been involved in building 20+ houses.  Cindy, who is a go-getter, is also involved in many other organizations but most notably Impact100, which I had not heard of.  It is a group of women who each donate $1000 yearly then Impact100 selects non-profits for “grant” money, which is sizable.  A really wonderful organization, if someone ask you to join please consider this.

Enough of the advertisement, now onto the fun times in Florida if you are ever considering the pan-handle area.  Was unaware that high season is actually the summer because it is traditional 10dgrees cooler than Florida peninsula and has cooling Gulf breezes.  This is a “hot” spot (no pun) for Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi.  Who would know.  The beaches on the Gulf are white quartz sand that is so smooth, and supposedly doesn’t get hot.  There are fresh water lakes, Dune Lakes, that are separated from the ocean by what else, beautiful white sand dunes!  Had to stop at Joe Patti’s for fresh fish to take home and cook – yum.  Went to Eden State Park and toured the Wesley Mansion. The massive low trees with live fern growing on them are Virginia Live Oak and they are hundreds of years old.  These trees are just so majestic.

Will be leaving the McCue’s and heading to Crescent City to store Polly while we are in Florida.  Then will be in Melbourne to visit Midge/Glen Kane for a day then finish out the week with Tom and Leslie Welbourn.


So I am cruising thru our credit card bill and noticed a charge to Amazon on January 6.  That is a travel day and we didn’t order anything plus when I looked at our Amazon orders there were no orders on our account.  So I called the credit card company and reported it.  Of course, now the card is discontinued and they are happy to send us a new card in 6 days.  Send us a card – to where?  So, thank you John and Maureen for giving us an address to use.  So now I have to call Amazon to alert them that the card they have on file has been discontinued.  Long conversation and it turns out the charge for our yearly prime membership.  What??? Yes and Ty was alerted in email that we were going to be charged.  Ty overlooked it….  Ok Amazon, here is a new card all set charge that one.  Back to credit card, not fraud my mistake.  No problem will drop the investigation and charge the card again then discontinue it.  NO NO now I will be charged twice for Amazon prime.  Sorry lady – on Tuesday call Amazon and explain and see if they will reimburse – if not it’s back to the credit card to dispute.  OMG!!!!!

Ty Meets the Neighbors – well not really

When we first arrived at the McCue’s and got settled in, John asked Ty to move his car over to a neighbor’s drive.  No problem.  Ty does that then goes back into the house, heads for the bedroom and puts down his keys, looks around where is our stuff….HE IS IN THE WRONG HOUSE!!!!!  He quickly retreats but forgets his keys, back into the house, now he can hear the owners in another room, grabs the keys and beelines it out of the house.  He comes into the MccCue’ house and blurts out “All these houses look the same!!!  I just walked into your next-door neighbor’s house” I am doubled over in laughter, Cindy and John are calling the neighbors to explain – they heard someone but didn’t know what was going on. Now that’s an Adventure