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January 5-7


Sat January 5 Gautier Miss Parking in the Dark and Gators

Pulled into Gautier (pronounced GAU chey) very late at night into Shepard State Park which is dark dark.  We have to back in the rig and this turned out to be our first trial in trying to communicate with each other.  Now working together as a married couple backing in a rig in daylight is a challenge – “little more left, no right, left…” and Ty is really good at backing in, but 1.) little rusty since we haven’t backed in for 4 months and 2.) it is so dark we can’t see anything and flashlights just aren’t cutting it.  We are old – we need floodlights!!!!  Well 20 minutes of back and forth, left and right, back and forth, I can’t see you – we finally call it good.  And all the while I think it is misty rain, turns out it is the dew from the humidity – and it is wet.  Plop into bed, exhausted.

Next morning up we go for a 3 mile hike and we neglect to ask if there are gators in the area.  We merrily tramp around the woods and swamps never giving gators a thought.  When we talked to the Ranger later and asked about the gators his reply was “Oh yeah, y’all in the south of course we have gators.  One was spotted just the other day on the boat ramp.”  Oh

Mon January 7 What did you do with my glasses?

Leaving Gautier and heading to Destin Fl to be with John and Cindy McCue for the next week.

Getting the rig ready for travel is a lot of work and Ty decides to take a shower just before we leave.  Nothing wrong with that but now he can’t find his glasses after his shower.  So he says “Did you take my glasses?  I put them right here on the sink.”  I cleaned up the inside of rig and picked up all the trash so Ty is inches from saying that I threw out his glasses.  Anyone else been there?  So I go thru the garbage not once but twice just to assure Ty that I didn’t touch his glasses.  The garbage is full of last nights steak scraps and breakfast banana peels.  Ah what we won’t do for love and peace.  Of course, I don’t find any glasses, Ty is still insisting that he put them on the counter and they must have fallen off into the garbage.  Well, long story short, we decide to leave and I open a drawer (no where near the bathroom) to get the keys and viola! There is his glasses!  He put them there in a safe spot so he would remember where he left them.  I repeat – we are old and anyone been there?