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May and June

Home Colorado!

We were giddy like first graders going to school – full of anticipation of what was to await us.

May 15 view

This is our first view from our campsite and our first visitor

1st day greeter
St. Vrains
Tessa and dogs

Many “camping spots

Before we could start the new Great Adventure, we had to get thru all the doctor appointments the first part of May – so we took turns camping at St. Vrains State Park, Carters driveway (Amy’s neighbor) and Boulder County Fairgrounds.

St. Vrains is a beautiful park with lots of nesting eagles and osprey; watching them dive into the water fishing was very entertaining. Couldn’t stay at Amy’s since all the kids were migrating their way back home from college so no room at that inn. But we saw them plenty especially when staying in Carter’s driveway over the weekends.

May 15 finally arrives…

we made the trip uphill to the mountains to begin our job; we’ve always loved that canyon/uphill drive and this time we were chatty with anticipation. Arrived at Mary’s Lake for our camp assignment and much to our surprise they outfitted us with “work clothes” – 3 tee shirts, long sleeve shirt, fleece jacket, visor and hat (I love hats but this one is plain goofy). Then off to East Portal Campground, Host site 2 for our summer spot!

What struck us first was the views! We sit at 8,268 feet above sea level – good thing we stayed at 5280 for 2 weeks to acclimate. Oxygen is getting thin up here!

As you can see from the pic – which is our view from picnic table, there is still quite a bit of snow on the mountains and it is cold – I am wearing flannels and long pants.

Ride Up
May 15 view
Fellow camp host

Estes Valley Campground at East Portal

This is where we will call “home” till September 15. Our first 8 days was orientation, learning the ins and outs of being a camp host and meet and greet with other camp host. Estes Valley District owns 2 golf courses, 2 camp grounds (East Portal and Marys Lake), a recreation center, bowling alley and manage the marina on Lake Estes. As camp host we get to use all the amenities for free – nice perk. At EP there are 3 other camp host couples and we all work 3 days on, 6-hour shifts, 3 days off. Perfect schedule that allows us to then explore the area when not working. So far, a great bunch of people from Texas and St. Louis – we have regular camp fires and pinch in taking over other shifts when in need.

Picture: Top: Greg and Lin – returning host from last year

Left: Joe and Leah newbies

Right: Lance and Cindy newbies here but are experienced camp host

Estes Valley Campground at East Portal

This is where we will call “home” till September 15.

We pulled the 1st shift on opening day – nothing like jumping right into the frying pan! I usually do the office duties while Ty drives around in the golf cart talking to happy campers. Perfect job for him!

The Office

JUNE – into the working groove

June 15

Settling into our job and our beautiful camp, we are still awestruck by the beauty of the mountains, how quickly the snow is melting and it is warming up. In the beginning of June 3 big bull Elks roamed the field across from our campsite every night, sometimes coming into the campground to the delight of all the campers. These are pretty big animals, probably weighing in at least 800-1500 pounds so you want to give ‘em a wide berth and as host we remind the campers to give them space.

Regular visitors

Gall Bladder ATTACK

Just when everything is going so smoothly Amy goes into hospital for emergency gall bladder removal. Of course, there are complications resulting in her being hospitalized for 8 days. Lucky for us, we were off when we got the call in the middle of night and rushed down to Boulder to be with her. Then I ended up staying with her (pulled the midnight shift as she could not be alone) and Ty came back to work. Our camp host friends all pitched in and took my half of our shift. Wonderful people! She is on the mend now, but it was just too scary to watch your child (even if they are an adult) to be so sick.

Ty and Amy 2024

Camp Host Experience

The rest of June is going on without a hitch, thank goodness. We absolutely love being back in Colorado, I will tell you Ty is a happy hiking man!

The Great Adventure goes on now as camp host for the summer. We love it! East Portal is a a small campground – 58 sites that are mostly tents and a few RV’s not bigger than 22feet (tiny). Campground is very rustic, dirt roads, lots of trees and grass. This folk, is CAMPING in the true meaning of the word. That means, lots of families, lots of people who just want to sit back and relax or hike the mountains. They are happy and friendly and on vacation. And they are from everywhere! Locals, of course, but Netherlands, Asians (who yes stand on the toilets!!! Even have sign showing them how to use toilets), many from Europe, few from South America and even Greenland!

Sprague Lake Alberta Falls

On our off days we are off exploring the area, getting in a lot of hikes. I even went into Rocky Mountain National Park while Ty and Chet went to Michigan. Hiked 5 miles that day: Sprague Lake, Bear Lake, Alberta Falls then drove up Trail Ridge Road, the highest continuous road in the US, to the top, 11,000 ft and back.

View from top of Rockies

Until July post I will leave you with some videos!

Moose Sprague Lake
Moose in bushes
Chet mtn dog


  1. Debbie Kullby Debbie Kullby June 25, 2024

    Sounds like a fun summer.
    My daughter was not able to get into the park in July so she is going to try for August. She is an experienced hiker and climber.

  2. Willy Willy June 26, 2024

    Best blog so far! Keep them coming

  3. Fred Ouellette Fred Ouellette June 26, 2024

    Great post Jane, Hilde and I camped at St. Mary’s lake a couple of times. Great place. Went back a few years later and a forest fire went through the campground and destroyed it. That’s were I lost the brakes on the pick up after coming down the Road to the Sun. I was in a church parking lot when it happened. God was with us that day. Your Gig sounds fabulous and make me envious. Love Fred

  4. Joyce Robinson Joyce Robinson June 29, 2024

    I always love reading your blog.. Especially this one. .So very cool reading about your job!. Hope Amy is doing well.

    • janefouchey janefouchey August 6, 2024

      Thanks and Happy Birthday!

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