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February Flew By

Wow! I know it is only 28 days but the month really flew by! It helps when Kit and Denise stay in campsite right next door!

Canoeing Chet

Not much went on in February other than canoeing (John and Sandy joined us), going to La Ola’s to listen to Johnny Walker play and of course drink a little. Rode our bikes mostly in the subdivisions in the area and to the Estero Nature Preserve where we also hiked.

Valentine Dinner with Kerry Dennis Kit Denise

Blueway RV has a lot of activities that we took part in: Valentines Dinner and Dance, Talent contest (we only watched), and a themed pool party on Wednesdays. Also had a craft sale where I finally sold most of my jewelry.

A first for me, I groomed Chet – only took me 2 days! Clippers and scissors and Ty holding him!

We are trying to let him be by himself for short periods of time, but that isn’t going so well – he is a barker. Have tried everything; make it dark and quiet, dark with TV on, light with TV on or off. Treats hid everywhere. Got a camera to watch him while he was in cage and he went nuts. Now no cage so instead he just barks by the dog constantly. Left him alone for 2 minutes, 20 minutes, 5 minutes, 20 seconds – does not matter. Frustrating for us. He is in puppy school and is very smart and has learned to sit and stay, shake, a little retrieve and no barking when people walk by and we are around – progress.

Before and After
feb 2023
So true

No injuries OR repairs this month – that is a first!


  1. Tamera Tamera March 5, 2023

    Chet, Chet, Chet…..Little stinker. Sure miss you 2…I had a dog that had seperation anxiety and it was so stressful. Hope you have good luck with it. Toby finally outgrew the barking at 2 years old….Maybe a buddy for him? We are lovin our house here in Wisconsin….

    • janefouchey janefouchey March 6, 2023

      I hope it doesn’t take that long!!! But we are working on it. Glad you love your home – you had a long search and it sounds like it paid off. Wondering how the winter is treating you.

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