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November – Chet the Jet

Chet the Jet

Introducing Chet the jet! He is a jet black (with white strands on front and couple on back paws) Havanese puppy. Ty and I are holding up pretty well, taking turns to be on the midnight, 2 am and 4 am potty breaks, and taking lots of naps

Chet is adjusting to RV living nicely, spent his first 3 nights visiting friends and getting lots of attention which I think helped him adjust to being taken away from his family. Then we had 3 days of 500 miles in a car, getting down to Florida and he slept most of the way in his car seat. He mastered the RV steps, but prefers to be carried everywhere – which we will give him the benefit of the doubt that he is still a baby, but he better buck up soon!

Port Richey

We spent the time in Port Richey just trying to get Chet use to his new surroundings and hopefully somewhat housebroken. We did explore a bit; PR has a nice downtown area, there are no beaches as we think of as beaches because PR is mainly a fishing town, and a couple of state parks where we took Chet for his first big hike. I kept him to the middle of the trail as I was afraid something would come out and grab him. Nervous fur baby owner here.

La Olas no more
Trailers and Boats

Fort Myers Beach

We spent many a good time on this island the last couple of years, listening to Johnny Walker play at La Ola’s with Kit and Denise. Ian has changed all that! Many of you watched on TV as Ian struck, but I have to say seeing the island in person, it is much more devastating. Where La Ola’s was is completely gone, not just a shell of a building but all the concrete structure is gone. This area is called Town Square, but all the restaurants, small shops, and living quarters – gone, swept out into the ocean. All that remains on the beach side is sand and bits of the pier. Boats upheaved and pushed around on-shore where they should not be. Many beach houses, the concrete structures survived but the storm surge was so high that it gutted the living areas which are at least 8’ above ground. Mobile home parks are a mangled mess of metal. The beaches are closed because there is so much building debris in the water that it is unsafe. There are huge cranes that dip into the water and pull out concrete and whatever and dump it into a truck. Then it is taken to area where it is sifted and the sand is reclaimed to be put back into ocean. The piles of debris stand a good 8-10 feet high in some places. We spent the afternoon gawking at the destruction, visited some friends whose house survived (barely), and had lunch at La Ola’s lunch truck. It will be years before the area comes back.

Happy Dog

Home for the Holidays

We flew home, Chet the Jet was a real magnet of cuteness. We could hardly get to the plane as so many people wanted to pet him, take pics and hold. I am so surprised at the number of men that just melt when they see him. Had time to kill waiting for flight and 2 flight attendants who were waiting too, stopped by, and played with Chet for 2 hours! Glad they wore him out for the 4-hour plane ride.


Cooks and Canned Cranberry tasting

It was the usual hectic, fun, cooking, watching football (come on Lions) and lots of food. As usual, Amy and Scott, had a houseful – see pics – just would not have it any other way. I am thankful for my family and friends.

Will be staying in Colorado till December 30, then fly back to Florida to winter in Ft. Myers till April.

Lacie Chet and Tyrus


  1. Kristen Rossi Kristen Rossi November 30, 2022

    Happy Dog post cracks me up!!


  2. Sherrie Sherrie November 30, 2022

    Who could possibly think Chet isn’t adorable! So happy for you! Happiest of Holidays to you all.

    • janefouchey janefouchey December 1, 2022

      🙂 You in Broomfield for holidays?

  3. Debbie Kullby Debbie Kullby November 30, 2022

    I recommend you get a doggie crate for Chet. Never too early to start training him.

    • janefouchey janefouchey December 1, 2022

      Thanks! He has been in a crate since day one…first couple of nights were rough, but now he goes in by his self.
      We also had a crate we use for air and car travel, which is perfect for him

  4. Fred Fred November 30, 2022

    I’m jealous

    • janefouchey janefouchey December 1, 2022

      You must not remember those puppy days!

  5. Sharon Vary Sharon Vary November 30, 2022

    What an adorable puppy–no wonder people stop you! And what a wonderful companion for your travels. Enjoy him.

    • janefouchey janefouchey December 1, 2022

      Thanks – good thing he is so cute ’cause sometimes he is a monster!!!

  6. Tamera Tamera December 2, 2022

    Ahh Chet the Jet is growing fast…Sure miss you 2….We bought a house in Wisconsin south of Madison If you come thru this way we have a big driveway you can park in …Sure miss you

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