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February Finally Sun

Weather has changed and what a difference having the sun out and the warmer temps have made! It is still windy, natives tell me that it is always windy this time of year.

Ty wasn’t happy with me because I said he was grumpy here in Florida. Can’t help it though, because he really doesn’t like where we are at right now. No good hikes or bike rides. We all know if you can’t exercise and get those endrophins-thingys  going, then you are going to be grumpy. Sorry Ty – (it does make me sad when he is not a happy camper)

feb SUN

I Have Become My Parents

When my mom and dad retired, they moved up to Pt Sanilac MI from Detroit to a small retirement community. Every so often in the winter they would go “missing”. I’d call my brother or sister and asked if they heard from M&D, they had not. Later we would learn they left the cold and drove down to FL with friends and played. When M&D passed and we went thru their pictures we found out why they liked FL so much. The white sand beaches, bikini girls (dad took those pics I am sure cause they were not of mom) and gatherings at the outdoor bars. It sure looked like they were having a great time, not a care in the world. Gettin’ a little sun, gettin’ a little tipsy, doing a lot of dancing.

Now here I am loving retirement in Florida. And it IS fun; the white sand beaches, having a great time, not a care in the world, getting tan, getting tipsy, doing a lot of dancing.

Eventually, we all become like our M&D’s!


Ty takes almost daily walks around the park. I thought he just wanted to get his daily exercise until while I was riding around the park, came across this park sculpture…hmmm.

gator behind bike

Shark Valley: Took a 13-mile bike ride through about a dozen alligators which are so docile, they are just snoozing by the canals’ edge. Ranger said there is plenty of food for them so they are not interested in catching a walker or biker as that would be just too much effort. Anyway, we get to the halfway point and park our bikes and whoa! a gator comes up from the canal and quickly walks over towards us. Let me tell you what, that gets those endrophins-thingys going! So, gator guy decided that plopping down right next to our bikes was just the thing to do! We decide to go up the observation tower figuring gator guy would be gone. But NOOO, gator guy is joined by another gator guy and this one is even bigger. I am not leaving my beloved bike, so I made Ty unlock the bikes and bring me mine. Hey he wanted to get his heart pumping; am just trying to help.

Activities Picking Up

As mask mandates slowly dissolve, we have been doing a lot more where we are staying (besides the daily walk to the statue).

Attended a Michigander party where you had to be from MI at one time or another. This park is full of people from MI so it was a large affair; the joke around here is they are going to have a non-MI party and only have to set up one table of eight!

Valentine Dance: been awhile since we danced but we still got it!

Been to the beach several times to watch sunset – beautiful as you would expect.

Full moon canoe through the Mangroves, moonglow illuminating the waterway was spectacular.

Weekly excursions to Ft Myers to La Olas to party with Kit and Denise, my liver finally texted me and told me to stop drinking, now I am the designated driver. We met a really nice couple from Iowa, Kelly and Keith. They are farmers by trade but winter in Ft. Myers for a spell. Fun couple.

Kelly Keith Kit Denise

Went to Ava Marie which is a sub-division out in the middle of nowhere for a Blues concert which was actually more like a Heavy Metal Blues so it was different. But the highlight was where we were at was the ONLY place in the whole state of FL where it rained. It poured and it came on us very suddenly, as you can see where we had to take shelter.


Thoughts on Florida

I am not 100% certain but am pretty sure that drivers in this state (regardless of where they are from) think that turn signals are just a suggestion. I wonder if they get into their car and wonder what this little stick that is sticking out of the side of steering wheel and goes up and down is for?

Speaking of cars – another thing is you have to have the high beams on when driving at night is mandatory. It’s true! Don’t care if they are blinding the on-coming car.

Retirees sure know how to have fun and STILL get 8 hours of sleep! Happy time starts at 1:00 pm and the actual happy hour starts around 3:30, but most get started at 1. Since we go to bed at 9, wow, a whole day to party on!


Went to Weston FL which is north of Miami to visit with Bob and Pat Tomizac, spent the night in a very high-end hotel which we found on Hotel Tonight. This app finds rooms that are pretty reasonable, the catch is to get the best rate you need to book it the day of arrival and pretty close to arrival time. These are rooms that haven’t been rented out as of yet that day.  Good deal, good app. Try it!

Duck Key and saw Silvia and John Hernandez. Parents of John (Jess) Hernandez who are friends with Amy and Scott. On our first go around in Florida in 2019 we visited John and Sylvia; think I mentioned that they have a beautiful home on Duck Key overlooking the Atlantic Ocean. These two, grade school sweethearts, are just that sweet and so hospitable. They have been busy in 2 years converting the front yard into an orchard of tropical fruits and plants that the butterflies and hummingbirds are sure to love. It was fun to go out and knock down a papaya plant, then Sylvia would make papaya juice which we drank every morning. They also have 2 boats, one for fishing and skirting around, other a much bigger affair for long trips or trips to different islands in comfort. First day we putted around Duck Key as it has many canals and gawked (me) at the houses and next we traveled in comfort to Marathon Key for lunch. Duck Key is fairly large, over 400 homes, established in 1950 built on a salt factory that was no longer in operation. Was a great visit.

Ended Too Soon

February ended way too soon and before you know it we will be heading “north” to Ft. Myers for month of April to finish our wintering. I will be sorry to bid adieu to Naples, the place grew on me despite the lack of directional turns. I understand that’s how you keep your brain smart when you have to keep guessing. There are so many big pretty birds here; we have daily visitors (Ibis) in our “yard” every morning which I look forward to. Ty not so much, he struggled to find a hike or bike ride challenging enough.

And Ty is setting an all-time record for how many times he can hit his head on the hitch – 4 so far this month, 2 bleeds, 1 scratch, 1 just a bump.


  1. Denise McGuigan Denise McGuigan March 1, 2022

    Loved February! Looking forward to seeing you in March!!’ Always a great time with Jane & Ty!!❤️

  2. Lois Lois March 1, 2022

    Sounds like you guys are becoming a couple of crackers.. Enjoy

  3. Barbara Barbara March 3, 2022

    Love reading of your adventures! Stay safe.

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